Aging 100 Becomes Partner with Encore's Gen2Gen Initiative

Powered by, the innovation hub tapping the talent of people 50+ as a force for good, Gen2Gen is a diverse and growing network that supports intergenerational engagement. The Gen2Gen campaign works with and through partners and activists to reach its goal of mobilizing 1 million adults 50+ to stand up for — and with — young people today.

We are excited to announce, we have joined the Gen2Gen network as a community partner organization. The network, which has 220 partners (and counting) is focused on bringing generations together to improve life for all. The power of older and younger generations working side by side for change is an exciting mission and one that we will fully support.

We are excited to be among organizations such as AARP, Feeding America and Silvernest.

Featured image via The Jewell Agency Staging.
